DEKA™ Strong returns to the Oval courts, ready to put you through the gauntlet of functional exercises designed to test, gamify and celebrate your fitness.
DEKA™ consists of ten “zones” including:
- 30 RAM Alternating Reverse Lunges
- 500 Meter Row
- 20 Box Jump/Step Over
- 25 Med Ball Sit-Ups/Throws
- 500 Meter Ski Erg
- 100 Meter Farmer Carry
- 25 Calories Air Bike
- 20 Dead Ball Wall/Shoulder Over
- 100 Meter Tank Push/Pull
- 20 RAM Burpees
The zones are completed sequentially with standard weight for men and women. Participants are timed from when they begin zone 1 to when zone 10 is finished, serving as a fantastic tool to measure and track your progress in your fitness journey over time. You can take on the DEKA™ Strong challenge solo or tackle the zones with a buddy.
DEKA™ Strong | $40 – $54
Saturday, April 6, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm