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Parking is expected to be busy this weekend, March 29 - 30. Please review alternate parking options and allow extra time to arrive before activities.
Fitness & Membership / Personal Training

Fitness Consultation

We are here to help

Fitness should be enjoyable, but establishing a good fitness regime is often challenging, and sometimes frustrating enough to be a barrier to progress. We want our OVALfit community to have the knowledge and confidence to make regular exercise a celebrated part of life, and to continue to make positive healthy decisions. Richmond Oval offers a complimentary fitness consultation and information session with a certified fitness professional to anyone looking to take the next step – or the first step – towards a more active lifestyle. The fitness consultation is all about you. We discuss your fitness needs and goals and help you create an effective plan.

Book a Complimentary Consultation

What to Expect

Discover the Oval’s many fitness services, and how they incorporate the most important aspects of fitness into your life – cardiovascular health, mobility and stability, strength, nutrition, and more.

Tour Our Fitness Mezzanine

Tour the spacious fitness mezzanine, featuring a continually updated collection of the industry’s top strength and cardio equipment, as well as the Olympic/Power Lifting area with Eleiko lifting platforms.

Discover our Equipment

Become acquainted with our variety of specialized and adaptive equipment such as:

  • Keiser® Dynamic Variable Resistance machines for power training
  • Skillrun treadmills with Sled Push and Parachute Run modes
  • Stages Flight™ Solo Indoor cycling bikes
  • Concept 2® Adaptive Rowing machine

Establish your Baseline

Receive a movement assessment, which will help identify muscular strengths and weaknesses, and prioritize areas to focus on for an overall balanced fitness program.

Set a Plan

Get help with a fitness ‘road map’ to start you towards your goal – whether you want to lose weight and feel stronger, train for a competitive athletic event, or anything in between!

Ready to get started?

Book a consultation online today.

Book a Consultation

For more information about personal training, email our Personal Training Supervisor.
