The InBody 570 analyzes how much fat and muscle you have while measuring your total body water. Our team of fitness professionals will help you understand your results and share how to use this valuable information to help you plan your training and assess the progress toward your health and fitness goals.
The InBody 570 is a body composition analyzer that uses only impedance to determine body composition results; no statistical data or empirical equations are used or required to predict body composition. It measures fat, muscle, and water levels in less than a minute. No dunking. No pinching. No discomfort. Simply stand on the device and hold the hand electrodes to test.
Safe, low-level currents are sent through the body through the hand and foot electrodes. The impedance the currents encounter is measured, and from there, your body composition is derived. With InBody’s patented technology, BIA has never been more highly correlated with gold standard methods until now.
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